The African Episcopal Church

🌿 Reflecting on the Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost – Year B
Monday, September 2, 2024

📜 Scripture Focus:
Today, we reflect on Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23. These verses remind us of the value of integrity, generosity, and justice: “A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches… The generous are blessed, for they share their bread with the poor.” As we begin a new week, may we seek to live with uprightness and compassion, valuing what truly matters in God’s eyes.

🙏 Prayer:
Gracious God, guide us to live with integrity and kindness. Help us to be generous in spirit and action, sharing Your love and grace with those around us.

💡 Reflection:
Think about ways you can embody these values today. How can you cultivate a good name by living out God’s call to justice, generosity, and love in your community?

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