The African Episcopal Church

🌿 Worship Together: Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost – Year B
Sunday, October 13, 2024

📖 Scripture Focus:
Today’s Gospel from Mark 10:35-45 reveals Jesus’ call to servant leadership: “Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant.” Jesus teaches that true greatness is found in humility, service, and sacrifice—values that stand in contrast to the world’s pursuit of power and prestige.

🙏 Prayer:
Lord, transform our hearts to seek greatness through service. Help us to follow Your example of love and humility, always looking to lift others up in Your name.

💬 Reflection:
How can you live out servant leadership in your life this week? As we gather in worship, let us reflect on Christ’s call to serve one another with humility and love.

#Pentecost #RCL #YearB #ServantLeadership #Humility # AfricanEpiscopalChurch #SacredOrder #RevisedCommonLectionary #FollowJesus #SundayWorship