The African Episcopal Church

🌄 Preparing for the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost – Year B
Thursday, September 5, 2024

📖 Scripture Preview:
This Sunday, we will explore Mark 8:27-38, where Jesus asks His disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” and speaks of the cost of discipleship. This passage challenges us to consider our own understanding of who Jesus is and what it means to truly follow Him.

🙏 Prayer:
Lord, as we prepare for worship, help us to reflect deeply on who You are in our lives. Give us the courage to follow You fully, even when the path is difficult. May we find strength in Your love and grace.

💭 Reflection:
Take time today to consider how you would answer Jesus’ question: “Who do you say that I am?” How does your answer shape your journey of faith and discipleship?

#Pentecost #RCL #WhoDoYouSayIAm #YearB #SacredOrder #CostOfDiscipleship #AfricanEpiscopalChurch #RevisedCommonLectionary