🌿 Reflecting on the Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost – Year B
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
📖 Scripture Reflection:
In Mark 10:17-31, Jesus tells the rich young ruler, “Go, sell what you own… then come, follow me.” This call to radical generosity challenges us to reflect on what holds us back from fully embracing a life of discipleship. Jesus teaches that the kingdom of God isn’t about wealth or status, but about a heart open to God and others.
🙏 Prayer:
Lord, help us to release our attachment to material things and place our trust in You. Guide us to live with open hearts, ready to serve and follow You wherever You lead.
💡 Reflection:
What are you holding onto that might be preventing you from fully following Christ? Reflect on how you can live more generously and freely this week.
#Pentecost #RCL #YearB #SacredOrder #TrustInGod #RadicalGenerosity #AfricanEpiscopalChurch #RevisedCommonLectionary