The African Episcopal Church

The Mst. Rev. D. E. Chase, Ph.D.
Presiding Prelate
Metropolitan: Archdiocese of the River Valley

The Mst. Rev. D. M. Golphin, Ph.D.
Chief Financial Officer

The Mst. Rev. A. C. Richardson, DD
Director of Vocations
Metropolitan: Archdiocese of Pelican Bay

The Mst. Rev. J. Thompson, Ph.D.

The Rt. Rev. K. R. Zimmerman-Carrington
Provincial Administrator

The Rt. Rev. J. I. Lumanog, D.Min.
Ordinary: Diocese of St. Ignatius of Loyola

The Rt. Rev. D. A. Sherron, Th.D.
Chief Communications Officer
Ordinary: Diocese of the North-East