The Mst. Rev. D. E. Chase, Ph.D., OSP
Presiding Prelate
Archbishop D. E. Chase is a prophetic pastor, passionate leader, social activist, church planter, and educator engaged in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and fighting against racial injustice. Archbishop Chase is also committed to practicing and preaching a Black theology that unapologetically calls attention to the problems of mass incarceration, environmental justice, and economic inequality. As the senior pastor of Metropolitan Cathedral in Louisville, Kentucky, he oversees various ministry and educational enterprises. He currently serves as the Presiding Prelate of the African Episcopal Church, the President of Metropolitan Christian University, and the Metropolitan Archbishop of the Archdiocese of the River Valley.
The Mst. Rev. D. M. Golphin, Ph.D., OSP
Director of Finance
Archbishop Golphin serves as the DOF of the African Episcopal Church. By way of scholarship and academic prowess, he has gained experience and expertise in various areas of the ministry. He holds several advanced degrees in ministry, theology, and literary Letters. He studied Reformed, Evangelical, and Pentecostal disciplines that would advance him in kingdom building. Archbishop Golphin is the Administrative Dean and also a Professor at Metropolitan Christian University and serves on the Board.